
What is Islam ?

What is Islam ?

The definition of Islam

نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪the islam‬‏

Islam is a religion of Abraham and Samawi. It is the second religion in the world in terms of the number of converts after Christianity. The general meaning of the word Islam is submission to God, ie, a complete surrender of man to God in all matters of life

Muslims believe that Islam is the last of the heavenly messages and that it is copied to the previous religions. Muslims also believe that Muhammad is a Messenger sent by God and the Seal of the Prophets and Messengers; that God sent him to the Thaqleen (Jinn and mankind). One of the foundations of the Islamic faith is the belief in the existence of one God who has no partner, God, [6] as well as faith in all the prophets and messengers who were sent to mankind before Muhammad, such as the prophet Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Jesus, the son of Mary and many others mentioned in the Koran or not, Muslims followed the Hanafi, the Prophet Abraham, and faith in their books and messages, which God sent them to spread to people, such as the Bible and the Bible and the Bible

reason of calling

The word Islam is considered in the lexicon in the "ladder", which is the source of a quadrant action is "Islam" and defines Islam as a language of surrender, and is intended to surrender to the order of God and the termination without objection, was said to bow and control and leave rebellion and parents and stubbornness
As for the meaning of the term, it is the religion of Muhammad bin Abdullah, which Muslims believe is the law in which God has sealed the heavenly messages. In an interview with Abu Hurayrah, the Prophet Muhammad knew Islam: "To worship God, And the fast of Ramadan and the pilgrimage of the house of God »

Islamic ideas and beliefs

According to the Koran, Muslims believe in God and his angels and his books and messengers and the Last Day. "We believe in God, His angels, His books, His messengers, and the Last Day, and believe in the good and evil of Him." The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "The Imamite Shiites call the last pillar the designation of justice, and also add the imamate as an asset of the religion
Muslims believe that God is the one God who created the universe with everything. The Qur'an inspired the Prophet Muhammad through Jibril, and they believe that it is the final message of the messages sent by the Prophets who preceded Him and the Prophets are human beings of Adam who God chose to be his messengers. Muslims believe that the prophets are human beings and not gods, although some have given him the ability to make miracles to prove their prophecy. Prophets in Islamic belief are considered the closest to perfection by humans, who are receiving divine revelation, either directly from God, or through angels. The Qur'an mentions the names of many prophets, including Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and others. According to the Koran, all the prophets were Muslims who call for Islam, but with different laws Islam is defined in the Qur'an as "the instinct of God, Which the people do not have to change to create God that value religion but most people do not know) as Muslims believe that Hanifism is the basis of the religion of Abraham. They see that the difference between the Abrahamic faiths in the Shari'ah is not only in the Creed and that the Sharia of Islam is a copy of the precepts of the laws. this means that Islamic religion consists of dogma and law. As for belief, it is the set of principles that a Muslim must believe in. It is a constant that does not differ according to the prophets. The Shariah is the name of the practical rules that differ according to the apostles

Traditional Islamic drawing of the word "God" in Istanbul Hagia Sophia.
The basis of Islam is the belief in one God, God. And that he is a Khalid, a living, not a dead, and not overlooked, justice does not injustice, no partner and no friend, nor father and not born, Rahman Rahim, forgive sins and accept repentance does not differentiate between human beings only good deeds. He is the creator of the universe, aware of everything in it and controlled by it. In Islamic belief, God is nothing like Him, which is completely different to all His creatures and far from the fantasies of human beings, so there is no image or stereotype, but Muslims believe in His existence and worship without seeing him. In addition to the rejection of the divinity of Christ, who is the Messenger of God in the Islamic faith, and one of the most important of the lines that Muslims deduce by that, the surah Al-Ikhlas: (Say Allah One) (God steadfast) (did not give birth and was not born) (and did not have no one)

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