
10 Miracles of the Koran have been achieved in modern times

10 Miracles of the Koran have been achieved in modern times

10 Miracles of the Koran have been achieved in modern times

نتيجة بحث الصور عن القران الكريم

the Koran or the Quran is the main book in Islam, magnified by Muslims and believe tha
the word of God home to Prophet Muhammad for the statement and miracles
Revealed by God Almighty to the Prophet Muhammad 1400 years ago in which the information of the universe and miracles were not recognized only in modern times Who told the Prophet Muhammad on those things in ancient times ?? This proves the sincerity of the Prophet and the sincerity of the Muslims and the status of the Koran and that Islam is the only true religion and that everyone should recognize Islam because it is a religion that has not been distorted or changed and of these miracles.

Miracles of the Holy Quran are countless and in the following examples of those miracles are:

The first miracle:

 The Almighty said (and then leveled to the sky is a smoke) _ _ Chapter separated 11_ These verses were thrown at the scientific conference of Quranic miracles held in Cairo and when the Japanese professor heard (Yoshidi Kozai) that verse rose surprised and said, To this amazing reality only recently after the powerful satellite cameras took pictures and live films showing a star consisting of a large mass of dark smoke dark). He added that our previous information before these films and live images were based on false theories that That is heaven He said that we have added to the miracles of the Koran a new amazing miracle confirmed that the one who was told about it is God who created the universe billions of years ago).

The second miracle: 

He said (O Allah, do not those who disbelieve see that the heavens and the earth were the difference between them) 
The astonishment of the scholars at the Islamic Youth Conference held in Riyadh in 1979 culminated when they heard the verse and said: Indeed, the universe was at its beginning a gigantic nebula cloud of gigantic gas and then gradually turned into millions of millions of stars that fill the sky. The American Professor Palmer said that what was said can not be attributed to a person who died 1400 years ago because he did not have telescopes or space ships to help discover these facts. He must have told Muhammad (God) Professor (Palmer) Islam at the end of the conference.

The third miracle: 

The Almighty said: "We have made water of every living thing." Prophets: 30 Modern science has proven that any living creature consists of a high percentage of water and if it loses 25 percent of its water, it will inevitably die because all chemical reactions within cells Any living organism is only in a waterway. Where is Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, with this medical information?

Miracle IV: 

Al-Azhar: 47 The modern science has proven that the sky is constantly increasing. Who told Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) about this fact in those backward years? Did he own telescopes and artificial satellites? !! Or is it inspired by God Creator of this great universe ??? Is this not conclusive proof that this Quran is the right of God ???

The miracle of the fifth:

 The Almighty said (and the sun is God to the stable that the estimate of the dear Alim) Yes: 38 and modern science has proven that the sun is moving at 43200 miles per hour and since the distance between us and the sun is 92 million miles, we see static do not move and was surprised American professor when he heard that Koranic verse and said that I find it very difficult to imagine that Quranic science, which reached to such scientific facts, which we have been able to only recently.

The sixth miracle:

 The Almighty said (and whoever wants to cause him astray makes his chest tight as if climbing up in heaven) Anam: 125 And now when you ride an airplane and fly in you and ascend in the sky, what do you feel? Do not you feel chest tightness? So who told you Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, 1400 years ago? Did he own his own spacecraft through which he could know this physical phenomenon? Or is it inspired by God ???

The seventh miracle:

He said (interpretation of the meaning): 
5). As the two heavenly signs indicate, the universe is sunk in dark darkness and if we are in broad daylight on earth, scientists have seen the earth and the rest of the planets of the solar system lit up in broad daylight. The heavens around her soaked in the dark Who knew the days of Muhammad peace be upon him that darkness is the dominant state of the universe? And that these galaxies and astrology are only small lamps and no less than just dissipating the darkness of the universe that surrounds them, such as lamps and lamps, no more? And when I read these verses on the ears of one of the American scientists Baht and admired admiration and surprise surprised by the majesty and greatness of this Koran and said it can not be this Koran only the words of the designer of this universe, who knows the minutes of his secrets

The Eighth Miracle:

The Prophets: 32 The modern science has proved the existence of the atmosphere surrounding the Earth, which protects it from harmful solar radiation and destructive meteorites. When these meteoroids touch the atmosphere of the Earth, they are disturbed by the friction with it, it seems to us at night in the form of Light particles of light falling from the sky at a speed of about 150 miles per second and then extinguished quickly and disappear and this is what we call the meteorites, who told Muhammad peace be upon him that the sky as the roof saves the earth from meteorites and harmful solar radiation? Is not this a peremptory evidence that this Qur'an is from the creator of this great universe ???

The Ninth Miracle:

The Almighty said (and the mountains and pegs) news: 7 
10) Since the earth's crust and its mountains, plateaus and deserts are above the liquid depths and the soft molluscs known as the "special layer", the earth's crust and its stamid And moving constantly and will result from the movement cracks and earthquakes enormous destruction of everything .. But none of this did not happen .. What is the reason? It has been shown recently that two thirds of any mountain is planted in the depths of the earth and in the (especially layer) and only one third is prominent above the surface of the earth, so God likened the mountains with the wedges that hold the tent to the ground as in the previous verse. Which was held in Riyadh in 1979. The American professor (Palmer) and the Japanese geologist (Sardo) were astonished and said that it is not reasonable in any way to be such a human speech, especially since it was said 1400 years ago because we did not reach these scientific facts After extensive studies using 20th-century technology that did not exist in an era that prevailed "The debate was also attended by the world's president and adviser on the geology and the sea, Frank Bryce, who is surprised that Mohammed can not know this information and must be educated by the Creator of this universe, Knowledge of secrets and laws and designs).

The tenth miracle:

(88) We all know that the mountains are fixed in their place, but if we rise from the earth away from its attractiveness and its atmosphere, we will see the earth spinning at a tremendous speed. 100 miles per hour) and then we will see the mountains as if the march of the clouds, that is, the movement is not subjective, but linked to the movement of the Earth completely as a withdrawal that does not move itself, but driven by the wind, and this evidence of the movement of the Earth, who told Muhammad peace be upon him? Is not God ??

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