The angels in Islam are the creation of the creation of God, God created them from light, and they are imbued with harnesses, honored slaves, do not disobey God what ordered them and do what they are commanded, do not know the masculinity or femininity, do not eat or drink, Except Allah. And faith in them corner of the faith, who denied them and did not believe in them has disbelieved in the Koran: (O you who believe in God and His Messenger and the book that came down on the Messenger and the book that was revealed before and those who disbelieve in God and his angels and books and messengers and the Last Day lost astray away) And they have certain actions and tasks, all of which God implement them, such as the revelation of revelation and blowing in the images, and the removal of the lives of worshipers.
Muslims believe that the angels have qualities and abilities given to them by God, they have wings, and are able to form, and speed and organization, and they have many moral qualities such as their lives have been described by the Koran as dignity justified. According to the belief of Muslims, they have a high position and great and high with God. God said in Jibreel: (It is to say the Messenger of Karim) (with power at the throne of Makin) (Mataa and then Amin) and angels according to the belief of Muslims worship God in various worship, such as praise and alignment, and pilgrimage, and fear of God.
The angels have special works towards believers, such as securing their prayers and loving them, and having special works for the kaafir, such as cursing them and bringing down their torments. The scholars differed on the question of the differentiation between angels and human beings. Some scholars have agreed that the Salhi of humans is better than the angels, and they presented many arguments and evidence. Others agreed that the angels were better and also presented their evidence and arguments
Muslims believe that the number of angels is only counted by God. They are very many, since every day seventy thousand of them enter the house and do not return to it, and every man has two kings who write his works, and every sperm belongs to them. Muslims also believe that the angels are great creatures. For example, the Messenger of Islam Muhammad said about the campaign of the throne: "He authorized me to talk about a king who was carrying the throne in the lower ground, and on his throne, and the lobe of his ear and his neck, That King: Glory be to you. "
Angels in the Islamic Creed
All Muslims believe that the angels are the honored servants of Allah, the apostles between God and His apostles and prophets, and that they are creatures of their own. They believe that faith is unquestionably a firm faith and certainly a duty. Believe in God and his angels and his books and messengers », who did not believe in their existence has dropped one of the pillars of faith and disbelief
He said: "O ye who believe! Believe in Allah and His Messenger, and the Book that is revealed to His Messenger, and the Book which was revealed before, and whoever disbelieves in Allah, His angels, and His Books, and His messengers. Al-Bayhaqi said in his book that faith in the angels includes the confirmation of their existence, the descent of their homes, and the proof that they are the worshipers of Allah and his creation, as men and the oath, are entrusted with charge. They can only appreciate what God has commanded them, and death on them is permissible, but Allah has made them long away. Their description of them would involve them in God. They do not call gods as the early ones call them. And the recognition of them as messengers sent by God to whom he pleases humans, may be sent to each other, followed by the recognition that some of them the throne, including the Safon, including the safe of Paradise, including the safe of fire, including business clerks, Or most of it, and belief in angels includes four things:
The first is to believe in their existence
The second is to believe in those who know their name by their name (as a gibriel), and those who do not know their names will believe in them altogether.
Third: Belief in what is known of their qualities.
Fourthly: Believing in knowledge of what they are doing in the order of Allaah, such as praising Him,and worshiping Him Day and night without boredom
The qualities of angels
In the Holy Quran, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) came to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) through the ambassadors who are the angels, and they are of good deeds and pure deeds, and they are characterized by modesty.
The angels are created from light, and God did not show the time when the angels were created. The angels are invisible creatures, and no one has ever seen them on their true body except the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) twice. This was the first time in the cave of Hira. Israa and meraaj.
First Formation: Muslims believe that God gave the angels the ability to form in the form of their body and image. Gabriel came to Mary the daughter of Imran in the form of a human being, and the Prophet Ibrahim came to him in the form of human beings, and the Prophet Lot came to him in the form of good-looking youth. The Prophet Muhammad came in many pictures, as a picture of a warrior or a Arab image, and saw the companions as well when the Prophet came in the form of Arabs asking for faith and charity and the clock and its art to teach Muslims their religion. And God sent a king in the form of Adam to the angels who were in charge of the man, who killed ninety-nine souls, and judged them. Aisha, the prophet, saw the knowledge of the horse of Dahya bin Khalifa and spoke to him. When I asked him about that, he said, "This is Gabriel, and he is reading you peace."
Second, speed: Muslims believe that the angels are high speed, and speeded up above all speed, not measured by human standards, they believe that if one asked the Prophet about something Gabriel came from heaven in moments at the top speed and answer, the liquid answers.
Science: Muslims believe that the angels have a great science taught them God, but they do not have the ability to recognize things, as estimated human, do not recognize or know anything unless God taught them to do so. God said: (And Adam learned all the names and then show them to the angels said: Show me the names of these if you are honest) (They said Subhank not taught us only taught us you are the Wise Knower), but God taught them more than man knows. And the angels are interested in science and discuss and discuss among themselves, about some things, said the Prophet Mohammed: "I came tonight Lord Almighty in the best picture, said Mohammed, do you know what is the division of the Supreme Council? He said: I said: No, he said, and put his hand between my shoulder until I found her cold between my breasts or said in Nahri knew what in the heavens and what is in the ground. He said, "Oh, Muhammad, do you know what is going on?" I said yes in kuffarat, and degrees .. »
Fourth Regulation: Angels are organized in all their affairs, and in their worship. The Prophet urged Muslims to follow them in the organization when he said: "Do not you describe as the angels describe in the Lord?" It was said, O Messenger of Allah, how to describe the angels in the Lord? And the angels will come on the Day of Resurrection in regular classes: "Your Lord and the King have come to be called Safa." In another verse, "The Day the Spirit and the angels will pray, they will not speak except from those who have been given permission by the Beneficent." And they are careful even in the implementation of the orders, the Prophet said: «I come to the door of Paradise Vstahvk says: Who are you, I say Mohammed, says you ordered I do not open to anyone before you» Another example of their accuracy and organization, is in the journey of Isra and Maraj, when approaching Jibril from each sky Vistazn In every sky, and the door of heaven shall not open to him until after the question is asked.
V. Infidelity: Muslims believe in the stoning of the angels, all of them without exception, because they do not have the ability to disobey God, they are fooled to obey, and the evidence of this is indicated by God: (O ye who believe! Disobeying God what ordered them and do what they ordered (f) do not precede him by saying that they are working)
Numbers of Angels
The Muslims believe that the angels created many who do not know their number but God and they are very many, and there are examples of their abundance, every day seventy thousand pilgrimage to the House of the world and do not return to him, and there are 4,900,000,000 only to draw fire on the Day of Resurrection to say the Prophet Muhammad: On that day there are seventy thousand reins with every reins: seventy thousand kings shall run them. And for every seed there is a king that is entrusted to them, and every man has two kings who write his works, and angels that keep him, and this is proof of their multitude.
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